Diving spots in Tenerife - Diving Atlantis

Diving spots in Tenerife


Wreck of a fisherman ship. It's one of our favourite dive sites in Tenerife. Only advanced divers are allowed to join us in this trip, the wreck is 33 meters deep. Passing the wreck we can also descend up to 40 and more meters. The entry to the water is by a ladder, the wreck is very close to the shore. We penetrate it and explore the cabins and technical compartments. It's a 3-storey ship so we can go down and up inside it. Around the wreck there is plenty of ocean inhabitants, schools of barracudas are often seen, sometimes rays too.

Tabaiba Teneryfa


Wreck of a fisherman ship. It's one of our favourite dive sites in Tenerife. Only advanced divers are allowed to ...

El Pinque

It's a good place for beginners, the medium depth is 18 meters, though it's possible to descend to 25 meters too. There is a great variety of fish, cuttle fish, anemonias, rays and morenas. The entry is from the beach or by the ladder. We also do night dives here.

El Pinque Tenerife

El Pinque

It's a good place for beginners, the medium depth is 18 meters, though it's possible to descend to 25 meters ...


This is a small port in the center of a tipical Canary town. You can see a lot of different kinds of fish, many of them keep to big schools. There are also local turtles here. It's a perfect place to do night dives, we can observe rays hunting in the night. Steps in the port allow easy entry. Depth is around 16 meters. Sometimes we meet angel sharks here, they are a peaceful kind of sharks that are normally seen sleeping on the bottom.

Fragmenty wraku


This is a small port in the center of a tipical Canary town. You can see a lot of different ...

Montaña Amarilla

Spanish for "Yellow Mountain". It's a beautiful place on the shore and underwater. Fanciful formations of volcanic rocks, mountains, lava flows, caves and underwater archs. In shallow water we meet a lot of colourful fish and in deeper water we find big oceanic rays. To enter the water we go down a ladder. Depth: 12 - 22 meters.

Montaña Amarilla Teneryfa

Montaña Amarilla

Spanish for "Yellow Mountain". It's a beautiful place on the shore and underwater. Fanciful formations of volcanic rocks, mountains, lava ...

El Valito

This is an old deserted port. It's a wild place, no tourists here. It attracts divers by its gorgeous underwater landscapes. Plenty of fish swim along huge volcanic rocks that have a lot of caves. One of the caves that we can enter is 6 meters deep only, so it is available for beginners. Another cave is 26 meters deep, we can enter it only with experienced divers. We enter the water by a ladder that is installed in the port. We recommend each diver to visit this spot.

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El Valito

This is an old deserted port. It's a wild place, no tourists here. It attracts divers by its gorgeous underwater ...

Chuchos, Las Galletas

This is one of the most impressive dive site in Tenerife. We start in a rib boat from the port of Las Galletas and go to the place where a family of big rays live. They are not afraid of people and come closer to the divers every time we visit them. Mostly they swim in a big group. Moreover, there is a small wreck of a fisherman boat there. In this dive spot you will find spectacular landscapes and meet amazing ocean inhabitants. Medium depth is 18 meters.

Las Galletas

Chuchos, Las Galletas

This is one of the most impressive dive site in Tenerife. We start in a rib boat from the port ...

Cueva De Los Cerebros

Cave of brains - origin of the name comes from a rare kind of coral which shape reminds of a human brain and normally is seen in deep water only, not available for divers. However in this cave the nature created unique conditions perfect for this coral. As a result it's the only place in the world where you can find coral Cerebro in shallow water. We dive there both by boat and from the shore. Depth is up to 12 meters. The cave is around 70 meters long, in the end there is a grotto where you can breathe with fresh air. This dive is available for experienced divers only.

Cueva de los Celebros Tenerife

Cueva De Los Cerebros

Cave of brains - origin of the name comes from a rare kind of coral which shape reminds of a ...

Barranco Seco

Vulcanic landscapes by the rocks Los Gigantes. The main attraction here are the rays and thousands of fish of all kinds, little caverns and caves in the rocks. Both beginners and experienced divers can go diving here. We dive from the boat, first depth is 10 meters, then the bottom go down to 24 meters and later to 32 meters.

Los Gigantes Baranco Seco

Barranco Seco

Vulcanic landscapes by the rocks Los Gigantes. The main attraction here are the rays and thousands of fish of all ...

Las Eras

A gorgeous place where it's forbidden to do fishing. Thanks to that we observe a lot of different kinds of fish, some of them of big size. Rays, morenas, angel sharks, trumpet fish and many others. We see here beautiful vulcanic views and underwater plants and swim through a 10m long tunnel in the rocks. This dive site is suitable for divers of different level. Entrance from the beach, depth 16 meters. Possible to go down to 25 m.

Las Eras Teneryfa

Las Eras

A gorgeous place where it's forbidden to do fishing. Thanks to that we observe a lot of different kinds of ...

Cueva De Los Camarones Palm Mar

Boat trip to Palmmar. Average depth is 30 meters, possible to dive to 40 meters. There is a cave length of which nobody knows. People say it's 800 meters long. Unfortunately it's sandy bottom there and with reduced visibility it's difficult to penetrate it. In front of the cave we see a cross and a little farther a statue of Virgen and monument of Cousteau. A very beautiful place, recommended only to experienced divers.

Palm Mar Teneryfa pomnik

Cueva De Los Camarones Palm Mar

Boat trip to Palmmar. Average depth is 30 meters, possible to dive to 40 meters. There is a cave length ...


A very beautiful and full of underwater life dive spot. This area is under government protection. The entrance is from the beach, the depth is around 12 meters. It's a good place for beginners to dive. Underwater we meet a lot of schools of fish, rock formations and grass fields.

Abades Teneryfa


A very beautiful and full of underwater life dive spot. This area is under government protection. The entrance is from ...